Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trees that blow in the night

Next door to us, the owner has not tended his back garden for at least 20 years. I will post a picture later that shows the state of it later.

With one tree measuring in at around 100ft, our garden is now bereft of light during the late afternoon / early evening. After speaking to him last year regarding the trees, he told me that he was "keeping the garden like that for the birds". Rubbish. He is keeping the garden like that because he cannot be bothered doing anything about it. It is an annoyance that we are not happy living with any more! I have spoken to the council, but they are no help. Next stop is to speak to the neighbour again. If I get no joy from that, I may have to resort to legal means. Apparently the oft berated (by me) Human Rights Act has some parts that could be useful!

Once I have his trees sorted out, I will then turn my attention to my own garden. Any ideas? (It is in a complete mess!!!)

A new communication from Cunardcritic!

This is the personal blog from the webmaster at www.cunardcritic.co.uk. Whilst this will not be about Cunard, the two projects are likely to be inextricably linked.

This one will be used for more personal things, like work, home, and things we do.

We, by the way, are James, Alex and our little boy, Leo.

I will send pictures from my phone when I think they are worthy of publication!