Saturday, July 16, 2011

Batman Live!

Leo and I were lucky enough to get tickets to the open dress rehearsal of Batman Live. It opens in Manchester on Tuesday, and last night was the first time it had been done in front of a live audience.


I was skeptical at first how they would pull it off, but they managed it. The thing that made the show was the bat signal shaped LED screen that dominated the back wall of the stage. It changed with the scenes by backing out in to a comic, flipping a few pages then zooming back in on another scene. It was amazing to watch, and very well done.


The Story revolves around Dick Grayson (Later Robin), the murder of his parents and the resulting hunt that takes the Caped Crusader around Gotham encountering among others Poison Ivy, The Scarecrow (Eeek, that was scary), The Penguin, The Joker, The Riddler, basically all the "baddies" you would expect from a Batman Show.


What can I say? The effects were tremendous. The aerial displays were spectacular (like really being at the circus), the backing screen was brilliant, but above all, The Huuuuge Jokers head, with the performers making the hair, eyes and teeth was something else. The jokers Balloon was very well done, and the batmobile was the thing of childhood dreams!
One bad part was the scene in the asylum. That was Way too dark, and really scared my lad. it was not the action part, but the bodies suspended on chains that worried him.


As you might expect, the acting was at times slightly below par, but when doing a show in front of people for the first time, that is to be expected. I fully expect that the actors will get this sorted as their confidence grows. Bruce Wayne will probably need to improve his fitness so that he is not so out of breath after the fight scene!! Harley Quin could "down ham" the acting slightly, and make it less "panto" like.

There were a few fluffed lines, but apart from that, it was very watchable.


This was a great show, and I think that it will be very successful. The cast were good, the fight choreography was well thought out, and the effects were spectacular.

THanks for ShowFilmFirst for giving us the chance to be two of the first 2000 or so people to see this show.

Final rating: EXCELLENT!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bored of not smoking!

I am actually bored of not smoking now. It's strange but I anm bored of thinking about it. I am still taking the pills, but fewer than before.

It is now 2 weeks that I haven't been smoking, and it is improving each day. Weekends are easier than weekdays, afternoons are worse than morning, still not sure why.

On a different score, I am currently watching "The Social Network". What a great film it is!

Any one who thinks they want some advice on the first two weeks of giving up smoking, give me a shout.

Take care all, have a good rest of the weekend.


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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

11 days!

Who would have thought it, I have managed 11 days without smoking! After 20 years I have gone nearly 2 weeks without smoking. Still feel rough though, and cannot quite figure out why. I will have to do more reading up about the side effects of giving up.
I must say that not having to duck out of work regularly, or going outside in the rain at home is good.

However, long car journeys are not good as I used to smoke to fend off boredom (I do 1500-2000 business miles a month). Now I am just bored driving, will need to find a new diversion.

On a totally unrelated matter, I bit a nice hole (well, two actually) in my tongue in what can only be described as a pasta related injury. Much screaming like a girl, and blood later, I have a painful tongue and a slight lisp......

Well, onward and upward, will see what tomorrow brings (apart from a smokeless drive to Scunthorpe and back)

Take care

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Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 6 end of..

Still going! 6 days and counting! The minis are still helping me. Once I have a week out of the way, I will be happy, one can only build from there. Happy days!
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 5

Day 5 is upon me. Still haven't smoked, although the temptation seems to be ever present, worst in the afternoon for some reason, and not too bad in the evening.

How does that work? Looking back, I do not recall smoking any more in the afternoons than other times of the day, or whether it is a continuing lack of nicotine during the day, I do not know.

Was researching why I am feeling lethargic, all I want to do is lie down. Apparently, seems to be quite normal. I thought you were supposed to get more energy when you gave up! Worst thing is that this is meant to take 5 weeks to get rid of!

Ho hum, onwards and upwards!
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 3 nearly over

Can't think why I haven't done this before. Nearly 3 days in, no-one has died and the cravings seem to be in control.

Never thought that I would sit at work daydreaming about having a cig! Watched the guys smoking on the grass, but turned back to work. On the way out of the office, there was a cig. It was JUST THERE, shouting at me..... I walked past eyeing the cig suspiciously, but it never bit me.

Oh well, 3 days successfully completed, bring the rest on.

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Day three starts

Still no cigs, but then, haven't been near anywhere to buy any yet! We'll see what the day brings.....J
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