Wednesday, June 22, 2011

11 days!

Who would have thought it, I have managed 11 days without smoking! After 20 years I have gone nearly 2 weeks without smoking. Still feel rough though, and cannot quite figure out why. I will have to do more reading up about the side effects of giving up.
I must say that not having to duck out of work regularly, or going outside in the rain at home is good.

However, long car journeys are not good as I used to smoke to fend off boredom (I do 1500-2000 business miles a month). Now I am just bored driving, will need to find a new diversion.

On a totally unrelated matter, I bit a nice hole (well, two actually) in my tongue in what can only be described as a pasta related injury. Much screaming like a girl, and blood later, I have a painful tongue and a slight lisp......

Well, onward and upward, will see what tomorrow brings (apart from a smokeless drive to Scunthorpe and back)

Take care

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