Monday, December 20, 2010

Ch, ch, ch, changes

Life has changed a lit since the last post. The car failed it's MOT again, and this time was scrapped! I have a new little boy, Gabriel, born on the 5th December, and a new house.

Life is good, there are opportunities around the corner, so the year is going to start on a high. Unfortunately, it means that I need to sell my car, so have decided that We Buy Any Car (they of the really annoying adverts) are the likely recipients of the car. I am going to take a hit on it, but really cannot face selling it privately.

Anyway, hope you are well, and still visiting the forum (I must admit to being a little lax on this score, as the new house and the new baby are taking quite a lot of time).

Take care, and happy cruising.


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